Saturday, April 22, 2006

e Plurbis Unum

Many colors
Many races
Many faces
Many ethnicities
Many nations
Many cultures
Many tribes
Many languages

One God.
God is not a man that HE should respect the boundaries, borders and abilities of man.
One God.
Behold, O' Isreal! The LORD your God is ONE!
One God. One vision.
Not with your eyes. Do you see with the eyes of God?
One God.

By many, ONE.
We is.
Show me your we.

Friday, April 21, 2006


I call this "Spring Training." Taken in early March on a rare Oregon day.

Chaos and String theorists... feast your eyes on the complexity of the creator.

And still, we claim, as the ancients did (Thales of Miletus and Aristoltle), every thing in nature can be explained by mathemetical expressions. I say, no.

Embrace the mystery. Fall in love with the designer of your heart. Beauty is not for you to possess. Beauty is seeing what the heart of God sees. Take time to find the joy that can be in each moment. Stop trying to explain everything. Breathe.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Beholder of the Eye


Do you have it? Really have it? Not by a little muse demanding your soul and providing only a cute little lymmerick....

Do you have The Beholder of The Eye? Do you see the world through the heart of GOD?

Don't just look though your camera or the view-screen. The heart of GOD is not some megapixelation or digital manipulation.

Capture the heart of GOD.

Show me what your God sees. I dare you. Is it in you?

Who can show the heart of God?

Post your reply with a photo; a picture of Gods' heart...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Spring Training

Easter, 2006. Along the Kingfisher Trail at Jackson Bottom Wetlands and the Tualatin River.

Sunday Scribbling on Monday

When We were Wee

Ten year old Tom had to run up to his baseball practice at the local elementary.
His chubby lil' brother (me), followed behind. "Tag-a-long!"
After minutes of warmups and jumpng jacks the stragglers had all arrived.
I sat and watched.
On occasion I fetched a stray ball or foul tip.
Later, as the the afternoon sun turned the field side-ways, I wandered into a farmers' lot.
The ground was hard with funny smelling salty spots where nothing would grow.

Big bro' yelled me down and I hid in the tan and flaxen grasses.
Slowly the team left the green grass and wandered over to the tall white-washed fence.
They were whispering and buzzing and making noises that left my ears confused.
I lookeed up to see all of them, but Tom, standing on the top rail, covering their mouths.

Tom chased me down and tackled me.
I didn't see him coming.

He grabbed my obtuse head with crew-cut spikes behind my ears and slowly spoke with certainty.
"B i g B u l l. F o l l o w m e. D o n ' t m a k e a n o i s e."
Looking at his face in terror I noticed behind him a small dead tree laden with small birds.
Were these the vultures that wait in broods for carrion, like me?

Crawling on bellies, scraping elbows on the hard pan of the bull-pen, fear.
After sneaking out the bottom fence rail, unnoticed by the monstrous horned beast
I noticed that my brother had pee'd his pants.
Then, I felt something warm and wet on me.

We had Wee-Wee'd.