Tuesday, May 01, 2007

How do we get there from here?

An empty chair awaits you... Hungry?

Is this white enough?

So, have you ever seen something grow from the grass root level? Have you seen a ground swell? No, I'm not talking about grass or aquifers... I'm asking about a positive movement in culture. Have you experienced a revolution of such unobtainable proportions that it can't be measured by banker, scientist or a sociologist.

I'm guessing that this kind of paradigm-shift is found only once in a century. Maybe it skips a generation.

A grand awakening of biblical proportions, one that gets right to the heart of each of us - that's what I'm praying for: A renaissance of recreation in the righteous. A celebration of the death of tradition and stigma.

What's on my heart the last few days is a desire to see - oh wait- I feel an MLK speech coming on... I have a dream...

I woke up this morning and as my friend, Randy, says "Holy Cow, I'm white and all my friends are white."

So, I ask you: How do we do this? How do we get the melting pot to bring us together - heat? How do we get the fruit salad with variety and diversity - upset?

Bring on the heat. Bring on the upset. I'm ready to live the dream.

Tell me how...