Saturday, November 11, 2006

Healthy New Me - CAKES

I've managed to pick up an impolite little illness - no doubt left behind by my sixth graders. Hacking and coughing my way through the kitchen this morning I threw together (with my son, the nine year old monkey-chef) my healthy pancake speciality. Just two bites and I knew I was on the road to recovery. I even cooked this same recipe in Canada, while camping on remote, Marvin Island, with 12 hungry high schoolers.

Here's the recipe.


3 cups Bizquick
2 eggs
1 Tbs canola oil
2 cups milk - or to desired thickness
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup whole oats - old fashioned - dry
2 Tbs ground flax seed (optional)
1 Tbs fresh grated orange peel (optional)

Mix and set for 5 minutes.
Add milk to reach desired thickness.
Pan fry and serve with butter and syrup.
The kids like these with chocolate chips in them. I know - spoiled brats. But I figure - if it helps them get all that protein and fiber down their gullet, why not?

Did I say fiber? Sorry.


1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Just had to let you know that Chris raved about your pancakes on the campout (thanks a lot...The bar has been set pretty high for me!) but I am so thankful to get the master chef's recipe! At least I have a fighting chance now!;)

I appreciate your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and what you're learning.