Wednesday, October 25, 2006


This weekend I sat through a brilliant sermon. I know that I may have appeared to close my eyes. And I must honestly confess that I was tired, but I heard every word. I worked harder to hear and listen and understand this sermon than I ever have. I was listening for three people. It's hard work to listen (just ask my wife). Seriously, I think I broke a sweat on this one.

To those who have ears let him hear. Yes, I'm well aware that I have two ears and one mouth and ,therefore, should do more listening than talking. But at this time I think I have something to say. The passage is John 17:6-19 (the scene: upper room, the event: Jesus prays, Sermon theme: Going In To the World).

The first person I was listening for was myself.
Go into the world. Ambassador/Priest. Go and take Jesus with you and make a change.
I really get it. I am really doing it. I'm commited to my small group and going into my Judea/Samaria and making a difference in people's lives by meeting their physical needs first. I get it.

The second person I was listening for was the me that needs to be open to change.
Is there more I should be doing? At what point and to what lengths do I deny myself and my responsibility as a husband and father to serve Christ and "my mission." What is my mission? Am I actually doing anything in my ministry that creates a cultural change? You gotta know- I feel good about this. I'm doing good. The CULTURE of change I'm moving for is getting godly men to use their God given strength and tools to show love to others (needy or not). After all, isn't that the message of Jesus simplified? Love God, love your neighbor. This is not an esoteric, didactic, or otherwise, mental leap. Just do it. Shut up and do it.

The third person I was listening for was the Pastor.
His final punch...
-a culture of grace—in a culture of disgrace
-a culture of respect—in a culture of coarseness
-a culture of justice—in a culture of oppression
-a culture of trust—in a culture of cynicism."

It is at this very point that I finally realized why I struggle with "Church," so much. Why is it that I don't put great value in the words of preachers. Look at the bulleted list. Do you see the words: serve, sacrafice, give, share? Is it implied? Maybe. What about the Word of God. Is it meant to be preached or lived?

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

1 comment:

Connections said...

Hi Brad~
You and your family are awesome examples of people who "live the life" I think that is one reason I am drawn to you all - you are who you are, right out there loving people in a way that they know they've been loved. Keep it up! Leslie